Eco Yoga Sanctuary

Eco Yoga Sanctuary is the right place to go for soul relaxation, meditation for mind, fitness for the body, and most of all to create an escape bubble to be refresh from daily toxins life throw in our way.

Eco Yoga Sanctuary aims to give quality classes only, Yoga, breath working and other healthy practices. We want to be the ambassador of keeping the Earth green and habitable. To be the signature of fresh breathe that exhales a sense of calmness in a tranquil and luxurious atmosphere. To be the center of interaction among yogis in Dubai, UAE and all over the world.

Additionally, we are committed to offer a place exclusively for ladies only where they can grow mentally, physically, spiritually, socially and environmentally. It is our duty to provide yoga and other activities for the benefit of women in Dubai, the UAE and others around the world.



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Eco Yoga Sanctuary
Yoga Studio - healthy
United Arab Emirates

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